Say Goodbye to Tiny Arms: 6 Terrible Moves to Avoid – Ultimate Fitness Tips

Training Tips

Say Goodbye to Tiny Arms: 6 Terrible Moves to Avoid

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Are you tired of having tiny arms that make you feel self-conscious in short sleeves or at the beach? Building bigger and stronger arms takes dedication and the right exercises.

However, it’s equally important to know what not to do to avoid wasting your time and risking injury. In this blog post, we’ll reveal six terrible moves for tiny arms that you should steer clear of on your journey to achieving impressive arm gains.

Avoid the Flimsy Wrist Curls:
Wrist curls might seem like a good idea to target your forearms, but they won’t do much for overall arm growth. These isolated movements only focus on the smaller muscles in your forearms, leaving your biceps and triceps underdeveloped. Instead, focus on compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups, such as chin-ups and bench presses.

Steer Clear of the Sissy Push-Ups:
While push-ups are a fantastic upper body exercise, doing them on your knees or with minimal effort won’t help you build impressive arms. To get results, perform regular push-ups with proper form and gradually increase the intensity by adding weight or trying advanced variations like diamond push-ups.

Don’t Fall for the Empty Tricep Kickbacks:
Tricep kickbacks can be tempting, but they are often performed with weights that are too light to provide a meaningful challenge. This results in minimal muscle engagement. Instead, opt for compound tricep exercises like dips or close-grip bench presses to target and stimulate growth in your triceps effectively.

Skip the Shallow Bicep Curls:
Doing bicep curls with poor form, especially the “half-rep” or “shallow” version, won’t help you achieve bigger arms. Full-range-of-motion curls, where you extend your arms fully and squeeze your biceps at the top, are much more effective. Also, vary your curling techniques with different grip widths and barbells or dumbbells to target your biceps comprehensively.

Avoid Overloading on Isolation Exercises:
Relying solely on isolation exercises like concentration curls or cable curls can lead to underwhelming arm growth. While these exercises have their place, it’s essential to prioritize compound movements like bench presses, pull-ups, and rows, which engage larger muscle groups and indirectly stimulate arm growth.

Don’t Neglect Rest and Recovery:
One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to build bigger arms is neglecting rest and recovery. Overtraining can lead to injuries and hinder muscle growth. Make sure to allow your muscles enough time to recover between workouts and prioritize sleep and nutrition for optimal results.


Building impressive arms takes time, effort, and smart training. To avoid having tiny arms, steer clear of these six terrible moves that won’t get you the results you desire. Instead, focus on compound exercises, proper form, and a well-rounded workout routine that targets all muscle groups. Combine this with adequate rest and recovery, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving the strong and muscular arms you’ve always wanted.